• Mingtao Plastic corporation is your one-stop shop for all your Clear PVC film & PE Stretch Film needs.

Business type of Mingtao Plastic
Stay focused on the company rather than company type of Foshan Mingtao Plastic Co.,Ltd. We're a business dedicated to the creation and sales of clear PVC film . We're created for gain. To be able to generate gain, we've made every attempt to perform R&D and attain quantity production. A copy of business license might be provided if you truly care about it.

After so many years of dedication in manufacturing PE film, Foshan Mingtao Plastic Co., Ltd. becomes an expert and has the confidence to become a leader in this field. Mingtao Plastic focuses on providing a variety of PVC film for customers. Foshan Mingtao Plastic Co., Ltd. adopts plastic protective film design method of a series of packing foam sheets after considering different materials. The product can effectively prevent the permeation of water vapor and oil. The product can be stored for a long time. The ingredients contained in it are less prone to oxidization and deterioration. The product has superior UV resistance capacity.

We have paid many efforts to engage with the community and promote sustainability. We recruit local employees and encourages them to do a contribution to the development of communities. Get more info!
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